
What are the simplest method for Creating Geometry in Femap?

Creating Geometry A geometry can be directly imported from many CAD or design system into FEMAP. Also, a geometry can be created directly in FEMAP using wireframe and solid modeling tools. Points, lines, and curves are the foundation blocks for a model. There are many options in FEMAP for creating points, lines and curves under the Geometry command. Understanding the advantage of different options for creating smoothly a geometry is relevant. Creating Points Points are used for constructing other geometry or finite element data. You may also apply loads and constraints to points, and FEMAP will automatically apply them to nodes attached to the points. Points are similar to nodes in that they are simply located at a specific location. Unlike nodes, however, they are not a finite element entity and are not translated to analysis programs. Instead, they are used for defining geometry. Just as elements reference nodes, curves reference points. The simplest method to create a point ...

How to define a Property model in Femap?

Modeling Property Properties are used to define additional analysis information for one or more elements. Most property data are geometric (thicknesses, areas, radii, etc.), but properties also specify mass and inertia and select the materials to be used. 1.    Model - Property  2.    Define Property -    Define Property Dialog Box There are many different dialog boxes used for creating the various property types since different values are required for nearly every element type. Near the top of each dialog box however, you will notice a group of controls which are used to set various parameters for the property to be created. For an element to reference a property, both the property and the element must be the same type. The only exception is that there is no distinction between linear and parabolic properties. In fact both linear and parabolic elements can reference the same property. -    Elem/Property...

How to define a Material model in Femap?

1. Model Material 2. Define Material 3. Material Type FEMAP supports eight types of materials: These material formulations allow you to simulate different material characteristics. FEMAP supports four regular material types and a general tabular data type: 1. Isotropic: Constant properties in all directions. All properties entered as a single value. 2. Orthotropic (Both 2-D and 3-D): Material properties are direction dependent. Parameters defined in two planar directions or three principal directions. 3. Anisotropic (Both 2-D and 3-D): Similar to Orthotropic except more general. Specify parameters as a general 3x3 (2-D) or 6x6 (3-D) elasticity matrix. 4. Hyperelastic: Materials subject to large deformations, such as rubber. Input distortional and volumetric deformation or stress/strain data. Limited solver support - many solvers do not support this material type - check your solver before using this material type. 5. General (Other Types): Solver specific typ...